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Western Hognose Snake

Scientific name:  Heterodon nasicus
Class:  Reptiles
Continent:  America
Habitat:  Praries
Diet:  Carnivore
Size:  24 - 36 Inches

The Hognose Snake Uses Its Upturned Snout to Burrow Through the Earth

The hognose snake uses its upturned snout to burrow through the earth in search of toads. It has a second set of teeth farther back in its mouth that contain a toxic saliva used to subdue prey. These snakes are also amazing at feigning death. They can cause their bodies to go limp, "convulse", and even bleed or expel feces to convince a predator it is dead!

Conservation Status
Extinct in the wild
Critically endangered
Near threatened
Least concern
Insufficient data
Not evaluated

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Daily Talks & Education

There’s no better way to learn about our resident creatures than in this up-close and educational setting.